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Speck Media Inc. knows that Direct Mail (also known as Distribution) is a vital part of any marketing plan. Speck Media Inc. places distribution in shared mailing packages, newspapers, magazines and solo direct mail. In addition to mailing, we can get your message across with email blasts and more.
Shared or Marriage Mail Program
Speck Media Inc. (manages) approximately 50,000,000 pieces of shared mail annually. Shared mail or Marriage mail is mail that is packaged and addressed by zip code and carrier route with other printed pieces as one package per household delivered by the United State Post Office. Because the package is considered one mail piece by USPS and the postage is shared by the participating advertisers. Each participant, cost per piece is evaluated by piece weight, size and volume.
Total cost for print, postage and production per participant can range from 4 cents to 12 cents per piece mailed. Shared Mail saves money: By comparison to Solo mail (mail delivered by itself to a home), carrier route postage for Solo Standard mail is 15.7 cents to 30 cent per piece.
Shared Mail Parameters
Mail is addressed to resident or occupant and put directly in the mailbox or in some cases in the newspaper for subscribers in specific markets
10,000 piece minimum per mailing
Must mail in zips or sub-zips (we provide recommendations for your specific market area selections and provide maps and demographics and geographics)
Shared mail is not available in all areas, but is available is most metropolitan areas and in some cases there is a newspaper alliance that distributes the inserts to subscribers
Distribution is available weekly, biweekly and monthly
Supplied printed pieces must be received by mail production 9 days prior to in-home delivery date
Speck Media can do the design, art, composition and printing. Allow 3 weeks prior to the targeted in home date for the completed production and printing . (The timeline should be less if you are mailing a weekly program)
There are minimum and maximum height and width dimensions but most common sizes will be accepted. We will guide you.
Statistics show us approximately 80% of the responses are a direct result of the design and your offer
Direct Mail (Solo)
Our team has been successfully designing direct mail pieces for over twenty years. We can tie-in social media and email marketing to any Direct Mail Campaign to insure the positive response you expect.
Usually utilizing Standard mail classifications, Solo Direct Mail is delivered to homes or businesses as a single piece in each mail box by USPS resulting in cost effective and impactful communication.
If you have a mailing list, or need Speck Media Inc. to purchase one for you, we can lead you through the world of list sampling and response statistics.
Whether you are a non-profit or a retail business, we can help you get results with the latest in personalized direct mail and best-in-class graphics.
Sample of items:
Solo Direct Mail • Catalogs • Self-mailers • Newsletters • Flyers • Postcards
Letter Mail is the most cost effective size.
Click here to go to our MARKETING WITH DIRECT MAIL page.